Declan Gessel

I want to build something great

May 8, 2024

I want to build something robust. Kind of like a really nice chest with brass hinges. Something cool. Something that I use everyday. Something that makes me grateful it exists.

I want to build a company. I want to go to lunch everyday, have really good food, then go on a walk. I want to bring my dog to work. I want high ceilings and natural light. I want to be friends with everyone there.

I like working on JotBot. But as Derrick mentioned today, it's still a project. A puppy we are fostering until it gets big enough to live on its own. The ownership isn't fully there. We see this as a way to make money, a pitstop in our plan.

When Derrick and I started working together, we were just two guys in my apartment, trying to make something work.

When we brought on Phillip, we gained a lot more focus and direction, but our sights were still so short term.

It’s time to think bigger. Time to build something truly exceptional. It’s time to build a company. Because anything less is simply not enough.